Working Together for Birds and Their Habitats

Who We Are

A Coalition of Groups Working Together for Birds and Their Habitats in the Chicagoland Region

We are a coalition of over 20 conservation groups, including bird clubs, ornithological societies, and conservation organizations sharing an interest in the preservation of our local birds and the habitats they need to survive.

Northern Parula singing



Learn About the BCN Survey and Our Latest 2021 Trends Analysis Results

Thanks to the data gathered by our monitors and analyzed by BCN, we're excited to share that many species are doing well in preserved and managed areas in Chicagoland.

Featured News

You’re Invited: October 19th All-BCN Get-Together

Mark your calendar and RSVP now for an all-BCN social event on the afternoon of Saturday, October 19.

Chicago Black-crowned Night Heron Project: Summer 2024 Update

Learn the latest updates about the Lincoln Park Zoo rookery, 2024 field season, and public outreach efforts.

Screenshot of BCN Survey point count protocol in eBird

Important Changes to EBird Data Entry

Current BCN Survey monitors, learn about important changes to how to enter your BCN Survey Point Count data in eBird.

What We Do



Through the BCN Survey, we help coordinate breeding bird monitoring throughout the Chicagoland Region using standardized protocols. We also conduct occasional surveys for migrants and target species.



Through the collective force of our over 20 member organizations, we actively advocate on behalf of birds, promote campaigns and initiatives, collaborate with land managers, and influence policies and decisions.



We educate birders, land managers, and policy makers on bird conservation issues and the status of Chicagoland's breeding birds, birds of concern, and migrants.

Join the BCN Survey

Hooded Merganaser

Bird with Us Twice in June and You Can Contribute to Birds

Through the BCN Survey, birders are given a number of stationary points within a natural area to visit at least twice in June and record their sightings.

Learn About Our Birds

Breeding Birds

Learn more about the trends and habitat preferences of Breeding Birds in the Chicago Wilderness Region.

Species of Concern

View our list of Birds of Concern in the Chicago Wilderness Region that need priority management attention.

Migrant Birds

Read about our management recommendations, research, and monitoring for migrant birds in the Chicago Wilderness Region


Orchard Oriole

Make a Direct Impact For Chicagoland Birds

We're a regional a regional 501(c)(3) non-profit organization focused exclusively on protecting birds and their habitats. Your donation helps fund BCN and support projects like breeding bird trends analyses, the BCN Survey, the Birds of Concern, and research and collaboration with land managers.