At a social gathering in the summer of 2022, a group of BCN monitors shared their dismay at the decline of grassland birds at their monitoring sites. Where there were Bobolinks, they were no more. Fields full of Eastern Meadowlarks were now silent. The alarm call was sounded, and this small group’s concern snowballed into the creation of a research project sponsored by BCN and other donors.
Through a collaboration of the Bird Conservation Network, Forest Preserves of Cook County (FPCC), Chicago Bird Alliance (formerly Chicago Audubon Society), and Chicago Ornithological Society (COS), a project was defined to explore possible root causes for these declines. Project goals were as follows:
- To conduct field visits to individual preserves that are seeing declines or increases of target birds;
- To note grassland characteristics and management features that may be responsible for changes, either increases or declines;
- To attempt to interest a researcher in investigating further and to turn our findings over to that entity; and
- To identify any specific land management recommendations that could be suggested to improve species numbers, weighing against management needs for other species.
The team driving this initiative is led by Judy Pollock, Chris Williamson, and Mary Bernat and includes Laurel Ross, Jenny Flexman, Jenny Vogt, Alan Anderson, Pat Hayes, Mike McNamee, Wendy Paulson, Eric Secker, Dan Lory, Stephanie Beilke, and other site stewards and monitors. The project focuses on Cook County grasslands as representative of the region’s grasslands and targets the following species: Bobolink, Eastern Meadowlark, Henslow’s Sparrow, Grasshopper Sparrow, Dickcissel, Savannah Sparrow, Sedge Wren, and Vesper Sparrow.
Over summer 2023, the team carried out site visits to gather specific observations and data on the conditions at each preserve. Sites visited by the group included the following:
- Far Northwest Cook County--Horizon Farm, Galloping Hill, The 160
- Southwest--Orland Grassland
- Southeast--Park 566, Plum Creek
In addition, the team collected observations from stewards and monitors at other sites, including John Duffy, Miller Meadow, Bartel Grassland, Paul Douglas, Busse Woods, and Somme NP.
To date, site visits have been completed and are being documented to be shared with land managers and other interested parties for their input. BCN at-large member and grassland bird expert Jim Herkert is bringing his impressive analytical skills to help us understand the data trends. Meanwhile, Mary Bernat is working with Judy Pollock to compile a final report. The report will include field visit notes with review comments incorporated, individual grassland bird trends by point and by preserve, recommendations by preserve and overall for grassland bird conservation, and questions for further study.
The team expects to complete the analysis in 2024, when it will be shared widely with researchers and the birding community.
This project was partially funded through donations from the Cook County Forest Preserve, Chicago Ornithological Society, and BCN members and other individuals who participated in a match campaign sponsored by BCN. Thank you to our donors for supporting this important research, and thank you to the team doing the on-the-ground work.

Members of the Grassland Research Project team collecting data during a site visit at Horizon Farms.
Photo by Eric Secker.