BCN News

Featured News

Screenshot of BCN Survey point count protocol in eBird

Important Changes to EBird Data Entry

Current BCN Survey monitors, learn about important changes to how to enter your BCN Survey Point Count data in eBird.

Building Windows

Voice Your Opinion: Chicago Department of Planning and Development draft Sustainable Development Policy

Send an appeal that protections for birds should be mandatory during the draft policy’s 30-day comment period.

Cerulean Warbler

Presentation Recap: The CW Region – A Critical Migratory Bird Corridor

Join us on April 4 at 12 p.m. to learn about what makes our CW Region uniquely important for migrant birds, the increasing threats that migrants are facing, and tangible steps we all can take to help them.


Project Update: Investigating Causes of Grassland Bird Population Changes in Cook County Forest Preserves

Learn more about the progress being made by the team investigating causes of grassland bird population changes in Cook County Forest Preserves


View the 1999-2020 Breeding Bird Trends

BCN’s Landmark study underscores the global importance of the Chicago region to dozens of breeding bird species.

Red-headed Woodpecker

2021 Birds of Concern

Learn more about our list of priority species for conservation in the Chicagoland area.

BCN Survey News

Screenshot of BCN Survey point count protocol in eBird

Important Changes to EBird Data Entry

Current BCN Survey monitors, learn about important changes to how to enter your BCN Survey Point Count data in eBird.

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The Bird Conservation Network invites you to join the BCN mailing list for news and updates from the BCN team. You’ll receive our quarterly newsletter, advocacy alerts, and updates on BCN-supported projects.


Orchard Oriole

Make a Direct Impact For Chicagoland Birds

We're a regional a regional 501(c)(3) non-profit organization focused exclusively on protecting birds and their habitats. Your donation helps fund BCN and support projects like breeding bird trends analyses, the BCN Survey, the Birds of Concern, and research and collaboration with land managers.