
Research for Land Managers, Policy Makers, and Birders

Information and recommendations to make change happen for birds

These research papers and publications provide information and recommendations for conservation and land management practices in the Chicago Wilderness region that are beneficial to birds and their habitats.

Research and Information Papers

Louisiana Waterthrush

Breeding Bird Trends in the Chicago Region 1999-2020

Read this informative narrative summarizing the key findings and results from the analysis of Breeding Bird Trends in the Chicago Region 1999-2020 (PDF), view species specific results from the analysis, and a list of birds of concern.

Northern Harrier in flight

Restoring Large Prairies in the Chicago Region - Proven & Promising Techniques

This extensive paper can help land managers evaluate and improve potential grassland sites using proven and promising techniques that have been highly successful in Chicagoland area grasslands. The resulting sites contain high quality ecosystems. (PDF)

Chicago greenspace with skyline

The Lake Michigan Flyway: Chicagoland's Role in the Miracle of Bird Migration

The phenomenon of bird migration along Lake Michigan and the many habitat enhancements public and private landowners can do to make the Lake Michigan shoreline a safer, more productive route for migrating birds.

Blackburnian Warbler

Migrant Bird Habitat Study: Tree Species Pref. of Foraging Migrant Birds

The results of a three year study aimed at identifying Chicago region tree species that are used most by foraging migrant birds in spring and recommendations for improving habitat for migrants. Written by Audubon-Chicago Region and the Field Museum in Sep. 2004 (PDF)

Upland Sandpiper

Conserving Local Habitat for Declining Grassland Birds

This paper outlines concerns that habitat in area forest preserves is steadily decreasing for grassland birds and recommends actions needed to provide adequate habitat for them.

Red-headed Woodpecker

What Red-headed Woodpeckers Really Want

Reasons why Red-headed Woodpeckers have declined and basic management techniques that can be used to attract these birds back to the area. Originally published in "Wisconsin Natural Resources Magazine", Aug. 2005. (PDF)

Red-headed Woodpecker

Data and Findings from the Red-headed Woodpecker Blitzes of 2012-2013

This report presents results from the Red-headed Woodpecker Blitzes conducted by BCN in 2012 and 2013. In addition to presenting data on confirmed breeding locations, this report also outlines initial findings regarding habitat preference of Red-headed Woodpeckers.

Deer in a field

Deer Culling: A Critical Tool for Conserving Local Habitat Diversity

Concerns for habitat within forest preserves and other natural areas in our region that are being adversely affected by widespread overpopulation of white-tailed deer and recommendations for ongoing proactive efforts to reduce their numbers. Compiled by BCN, Nov. 2007. (PDF)


Orchard Oriole

Make a Direct Impact For Chicagoland Birds

We're a regional a regional 501(c)(3) non-profit organization focused exclusively on protecting birds and their habitats. Your donation helps fund BCN and support projects like breeding bird trends analyses, the BCN Survey, the Birds of Concern, and research and collaboration with land managers.