Explore the 1999-2020 Trends Results

Breeding Bird Trends

Learn more about the trends and habitat preferences of Breeding Birds in the Chicago Wilderness Region.

BCN Birds of Concern

View our list of Birds of Concern in the Chicago Wilderness Region that need priority management attention.

Summary of Findings

Read this informative narrative summarizing the key findings and results from the analysis of Breeding Bird Trends in the Chicago Region 1999-2020. (PDF)

Our Trends Analysis Goals



Learn the regional trends of Chicagoland bird species in order to educate the public.



Identify and monitor bird species of concern that need priority attention and management.



Provide reliable information to public and private land managers to help improve land management practices for birds.

Thank You to Our Monitors

One individual's contributions may seem small, but together we have created one of the most robust databases of regional bird sightings in the nation.

Your Work Has a Direct Impact on Helping Birds

This analysis would not have been possible without the data, insights, and spirit of this knowledgeable and dedicated field crew. Hundreds of BCN volunteer bird monitors have contributed countless hours in the field to consistently and painstakingly collect this data year after year.

If you aren't already a monitor for the BCN Survey, we hope that you will join us. Your contributions can help us identify important habitat, improve current management practices, monitor threats, set regional priorities, and work with land managers to protect areas where birds are breeding. Just two visits of a couple hours at a preserve each summer can provide a wealth of information for this effort.


Thank You to Our Donors

2021 Analysis Funding

The 2021 Trends Analysis builds on the 2013 analysis and prior efforts to provide the most current and complete regional insight into bird species' well-being. The effort was funded by the BCN organizational members together with personal donations from individuals. Funding supported the statistical analysis effort and updating this website and other communications. Contracted work was supplemented from countless volunteer hours from many of our project contributors below. Thank you!

Project Contributors

Data Analyst

Valerie A. Steen PhD

BCN Steering Committee

Judy Pollock, Aubrey Sirman, Chris Monaghan, Tim Balassie, Matt Igleski, Sonny Cohen

Science Advisors

Doug Stotz PhD, Gary Casper PhD, Stephanie Beilke MS, Jim Herkert PhD, Aubrey Sirman PhD

Database Management

Chris Monaghan, Donna Kenski, Eric Secker

Web Developer & Designer

Eric Secker

PR Project Manager

Diann Bilderback

PR/Communications Team

Diann Bilderback, Bob Fisher, Judy Pollock, Sonny Cohen, Eric Secker


Bob Fisher

Media Relations

Bob Dolgan (Turnstone Strategies)


eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, New York. Available: https://www.ebird.org.

Summary of Findings

Read our 13 page narrative summarizing the key findings and results from the trends analysis.

Technical Information


Orchard Oriole

Make a Direct Impact For Chicagoland Birds

We're a regional a regional 501(c)(3) non-profit organization focused exclusively on protecting birds and their habitats. Your donation helps fund BCN and support projects like breeding bird trends analyses, the BCN Survey, the Birds of Concern, and research and collaboration with land managers.