Volunteer With Us

BCN Representatives

Serve with Us on Behalf of Your Club or Organization

We are a coalition of birding clubs, ornithological societies, and conservation organizations. Each organization elects three representatives to serve with BCN, attend and vote at meetings, and lead conservation efforts in their area. Talk to your organization's leadership, current BCN Reps, or contact us to learn more.

Volunteer Opportunities

We Need Your Help

Check out the opportunities below to get involved with one of our active committees or teams.

Communications Team

Help us communicate bird conservation news through social media, email, newsletters, and the BCN website. Our Media/PR Team helps us share research, news, and findings from the BCN Survey, bird blitzes, and other BCN projects and initiatives.

BCN Survey Team

The BCN Survey Committee is a group of BCN Survey coordinators, monitors, and volunteers that helps coordinate our monitoring efforts throughout the Chicagoland area, identify priority monitoring sites, plan workshops, review monitoring protocols, organize monitor appreciation events, and work with our science advisors.

Advocacy Team

Help us raise awareness of important advocacy issues in the Chicagoland area and beyond, collaborate with local birding clubs on issues in their area, attend relevant meetings, and draft sign-on letters.

Development Team

Join us in the process of raising funds, grant writing, and donor-related activities.


Orchard Oriole

Make a Direct Impact For Chicagoland Birds

We're a regional a regional 501(c)(3) non-profit organization focused exclusively on protecting birds and their habitats. Your donation helps fund BCN and support projects like breeding bird trends analyses, the BCN Survey, the Birds of Concern, and research and collaboration with land managers.