BCN Survey

BCN eBird Raw Data Requests

Anyone can now request specific data reports from the BCN eBird database. Types of requests might include all sightings by a specific monitor, all the sightings at a preserve, all sightings within sites owned by a specific landowner, all sightings in a given county or other geographic area, and so forth.


Request Data from Specific Sites or Areas

Land managers, stewards, monitors, and others with specific needs who do not have a means to extract this data themselves are welcome to request a report, using the instructions below.


The standard report format consists of an Excel spreadsheet with multiple pages:

  • All data associated with a site, sorted by species and date.
  • BCN Survey breeding season data sorted by point, species and date.
  • A checklist of all birds seen at the site.
  • Data from birds of conservation concern sorted by species, location and date.


The report normally includes all relevant data from the database, i.e. data entered according to any of the BCN protocols and data entered by all eBird users.


View a sample report.


To request a report of data, please copy and paste the form below and send it in an email to Chris Monaghan at . Please include "Request for bird data" in the subject line of your email. If possible, please also include either a map or an exact description of the area you would like data for.


If you would prefer reports that are different than those described above, or would prefer to receive a word document rather than a spreadsheet(not recommended), let us know in the “Special Requests” line. 


Site Name(s):

Other possible names of the site(s):


Special requests:


Working Together for Birds and Habitats

Support the BCN Survey

Monitoring Protocol
How to Use eBird

Request Bird Data from
Your Site