This is a list of species of regional importance in the Chicago Wilderness Region that should receive priority attention and careful management. Species have been assigned one of three priorities - see the "CW Priority" column. Illinois Endangered and Threatened species are also listed - these species are of state importance but not as important regionally if they are not listed as CW-PR1, CW-PR2, or CW-PR3. Generalized, estimated trends and frequencies of occurrence for each species are also listed to aid in more detailed comparisons.
Priority 1: A species of high regional importance and also national concern with strong declines and severe threats to breeding. Immediate conservation attention & priority, species-specific management. | ||||
Priority 2: A species of moderate regional importance or national concern with moderate to large declines. Some individualized attention. Moderate conservation and management priority. | ||||
Priority 3: A species of moderate importance with a population that should be maintained to prevent growing threats and future declines. Generalized management should include planning for the species. | ||||
Species classified as Endangered in Illinois (in danger of extinction as a breeding species in the state). | ||||
Species classified as Threatened in Illinois (likely to become a state endangered species). | ||||
The status is based heavily on Partners in Flight scores and classifications for BCR Regions 22 and 23. Because the Chicago Wilderness Region falls on the edge of these two regions, the scores between BCR 22 and 23 are often different. When the two regions differed, scores were manually assigned on a species by species basis. Decisions were made by taking into account the Chicagoland area's importance for the species in question - including the species range, trend in the CW region, local population size, and historic status in the area. |
CW Priority | 20 Year Est. Trend |
Frequency | Conservation Status |
HENSLOW'S SPARROW | CW-PR1 | ↑↑ | ••• | 14.5% | Threatened, SCC, PIF 19, WL-R | ||||||||||
DICKCISSEL | CW-PR1 | ↓↓ | ••• | 11.8% | PIF 18 | ||||||||||
NORTHERN BOBWHITE | CW-PR1 | ↓ | • | 0.3% | PIF 18 | ||||||||||
GRASSHOPPER SPARROW | CW-PR1 | ↓↓ | •••• | 15.7% | PIF 16 | ||||||||||
BOBOLINK | CW-PR1 | <> | ••••• | 20.4% | PIF 15 | ||||||||||
SEDGE WREN | CW-PR2 | ↓↓ | ••• | 12.6% | PIF 14 | ||||||||||
SHORT-EARED OWL | CW-PR2 | ↓ | • | 0.0% | Endangered, PIF 13, WL-Y | ||||||||||
NORTHERN HARRIER | CW-PR2 | ↓ | • | 0.5% | Endangered | ||||||||||
FIELD SPARROW | CW-PR2 | <> | •••••• | 27.6% | PIF 17 | ||||||||||
EASTERN MEADOWLARK | CW-PR2 | <> | •••••• | 25.2% | PIF 16 | ||||||||||
VESPER SPARROW | CW-PR3 | ↓ | • | 1.2% | None Noted | ||||||||||
WESTERN MEADOWLARK | CW-PR3 | ↓ | • | 0.3% | None Noted | ||||||||||
SWAINSON'S HAWK | IL-ENDGR | ↓ | • | 0.0% | Endangered, PIF 13, WL-Y | ||||||||||
UPLAND SANDPIPER | IL-ENDGR | ↓ | • | 0.1% | Endangered | ||||||||||
SANDHILL CRANE | IL-THRT. | ↑ | • | 1.5% | Threatened | ||||||||||
CW Priority | 20 Year Est. Trend |
Frequency | Conservation Status |
BLACK-BILLED CUCKOO | CW-PR1 | ↓ | • | 0.7% | PIF 18 | ||||||||||
NORTHERN BOBWHITE | CW-PR1 | ↓ | • | 0.3% | PIF 18 | ||||||||||
LOGGERHEAD SHRIKE | CW-PR1 | ↓ | • | 0.0% | Threatened, SCC, PIF 16 | ||||||||||
BELL'S VIREO | CW-PR2 | ? | • | 0.2% | PIF 16, WL-R | ||||||||||
BLUE-WINGED WARBLER | CW-PR2 | ? | • | 2.0% | PIF 15, WL-Y | ||||||||||
WILLOW FLYCATCHER | CW-PR2 | ↓↓ | •••• | 17.5% | PIF 13, WL-Y | ||||||||||
YELLOW-BREASTED CHAT | CW-PR2 | ↓? | • | 2.4% | PIF 14 | ||||||||||
BROWN THRASHER | CW-PR2 | ↓ | ••• | 12.7% | PIF 16 | ||||||||||
FIELD SPARROW | CW-PR2 | <> | •••••• | 27.6% | PIF 17 | ||||||||||
YELLOW-BILLED CUCKOO | CW-PR2 | ↓ | • | 2.2% | PIF 15 | ||||||||||
VESPER SPARROW | CW-PR3 | ↓ | • | 1.2% | None Noted | ||||||||||
ORCHARD ORIOLE | CW-PR3 | ↑↑ | •• | 5.0% | PIF 16 | ||||||||||
EASTERN KINGBIRD | CW-PR3 | ↓? | •••• | 17.4% | PIF 15 | ||||||||||
CW Priority | 20 Year Est. Trend |
Frequency | Conservation Status |
RED-HEADED WOODPECKER | CW-PR1 | ↓ | • | 2.5% | PIF 19, WL-Y | ||||||||||
CERULEAN WARBLER | CW-PR1 | ↓? | • | 0.1% | Endangered, SCC, PIF 18, WL-Y | ||||||||||
BLACK-BILLED CUCKOO | CW-PR1 | ↓ | • | 0.7% | PIF 18 | ||||||||||
WHIP-POOR-WILL | CW-PR1 | ↓? | • | 0.0% | PIF 17 | ||||||||||
GREAT CRESTED FLYCATCHER | CW-PR2 | ↓↓ | •••• | 17.1% | PIF 14 | ||||||||||
NORTHERN FLICKER | CW-PR2 | ↓↓ | •••••• | 25.7% | PIF 16 | ||||||||||
CHIMNEY SWIFT | CW-PR2 | ↓ | • | 4.9% | PIF 15 | ||||||||||
YELLOW-BILLED CUCKOO | CW-PR2 | ↓ | • | 2.2% | PIF 15 | ||||||||||
VEERY | CW-PR2 | ↓ | • | 1.1% | None Noted | ||||||||||
WOOD THRUSH | CW-PR3 | ↓↓ | •••• | 10.8% | PIF 14, WL-Y | ||||||||||
LOUISIANA WATERTHRUSH | CW-PR3 | ? | • | 0.0% | PIF 15 | ||||||||||
PROTHONOTARY WARBLER | CW-PR3 | ? | • | 0.1% | PIF 15, WL-Y | ||||||||||
ORCHARD ORIOLE | CW-PR3 | ↑↑ | •• | 5.0% | PIF 16 | ||||||||||
ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAK | CW-PR3 | ↑? | •• | 7.2% | None Noted | ||||||||||
EASTERN KINGBIRD | CW-PR3 | ↓? | •••• | 17.4% | PIF 15 | ||||||||||
BALD EAGLE | IL-THRT. | ? | • | 0.0% | Threatened | ||||||||||
CW Priority | 20 Year Est. Trend |
Frequency | Conservation Status |
YELLOW-HEADED BLACKBIRD | CW-PR2 | ↓↓ | • | 1.2% | Endangered | ||||||||||
MARSH WREN | CW-PR3 | ? | • | 3.4% | None Noted | ||||||||||
BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT-HERON | IL-ENDGR | ↓↓ | • | 1.6% | Endangered | ||||||||||
KING RAIL | IL-ENDGR | ↑? | • | 0.0% | Endangered, WL-Y | ||||||||||
BLACK RAIL | IL-ENDGR | ? | • | 0.0% | Endangered, WL-R | ||||||||||
AMERICAN BITTERN | IL-ENDGR | ? | • | 0.1% | Endangered | ||||||||||
BLACK TERN | IL-ENDGR | ? | • | 0.0% | Endangered | ||||||||||
OSPREY | IL-ENDGR | ↑ | • | 0.0% | Endangered | ||||||||||
WILSON'S PHALAROPE | IL-ENDGR | ? | • | 0.0% | Endangered | ||||||||||
LITTLE BLUE HERON | IL-ENDGR | ? | • | 0.0% | Endangered | ||||||||||
SNOWY EGRET | IL-ENDGR | ? | • | 0.0% | Endangered | ||||||||||
YELLOW-CROWNED NIGHT-HERON | IL-ENDGR | ? | • | 0.0% | Endangered | ||||||||||
FORSTER'S TERN | IL-ENDGR | ? | • | 0.0% | Endangered | ||||||||||
COMMON TERN | IL-ENDGR | ? | • | 0.1% | Threatened, SCC | ||||||||||
PIPING PLOVER | IL-ENDGR | - | • | 0.0% | Fed. Endangered, WL-R | ||||||||||
COMMON MOORHEN | IL-THRT. | ↓ | • | 0.0% | Threatened | ||||||||||
LEAST BITTERN | IL-THRT. | ? | • | 0.1% | Threatened | ||||||||||
SANDHILL CRANE | IL-THRT. | ↑ | • | 1.5% | Threatened | ||||||||||
CW Priority | 20 Year Est. Trend |
Frequency | Conservation Status |
PEREGRINE FALCON | IL-THRT. | ↑↑ | • | 0.1% | Threatened | ||||||||||